Are you Dressing Your Truth?


Yes, today I can confidently say I’m dressing my truth, and it’s a big part of my self-care, but that wasn’t always the case. 

It started back in 2014 when one of my sisters gifted all the women in my family of origin, a program called Dressing Your Truth (DYT).  Unexpectedly this personal "makeover course" played a huge part in helping to heal a few unresolved childhood wounds, I had suffered, from growing up in an alcoholic family. It was also very instrumental in teaching me how to practice self-care.  


As I mentioned before addiction is a family disease, and the effects addiction has on family members are significant. Addiction can cause severe dysfunction in how a family communicates and interacts with each other. In order to cope with the unpredictable behaviors of the addict, each family member will adopt certain maladaptive patterns of behavior in order to cope with the addict. These behaviors will further interfere with each family member’s ability to lead a healthy and normal life. 

My family of origin was no exception, which is why I can never condemn this wonderful makeover program. It truly was the perfect typology system at that time, to give my estranged family the platform to begin embracing our differences and to provide each member with the positive vocabulary to begin communicating, with and about each other in non-judgmental ways. 

Now, personally, I was never the type of person who paid much attention to current fashion trends, but I am the type of person who values aesthetics and simplicity!  DYT provided an easy-to-follow system that taught me how to coordinate multiple practical outfits from just a few items of clothing. It taught me how to train my eye for colors that would look best on me. This included hair and makeup which are two things that are starting to change as I enter the second half of my life. 

I learned how clothing is like an additional layer of skin that we wear. Unlike our birthday suits, we show this 'skin' to the outer world.  DYT taught me how to take the 5 elements of style in dressing that most authentically represent my expression of energy and harmonize my interior patterns of movement with the non-verbal exterior patterns of my movement.  These practical ways of dressing were milestones above my frumpy look at the time, which aged me tremendously!  


 I truly believe the Holy Spirit used Dressing Your Truth not only to teach me how to realign my exterior to reflect my interior life without deceit or artifice, but DYT was instrumental in helping me understand what fun this kind of self-care could be. It definitely helped me to remove some of those old masks I was wearing out.

If you're in need of a makeover from the inside out, then why not give DYT a try.



I pray you found what you were needing today. Please leave a comment below, I would love to hear how this post might have been helpful for you.

 Remember you are not alone! No matter what you’ve done or failed to do you are still loved unconditionally by a very merciful and just Lord and Savior!

May God Bless You,


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