What's Your Genius Style?

My genius aka thinking style is Harmony/Perspectives. When I am healthy I am connected and plugged into my relationships and the culture around me, and my narratives have meaning and purpose.

A few years after being introduced to the Dressing Your Truth makeover program, I became curious as to how these similarities and differences in movement patterns were being influenced from a cognitive perspective.  While I do believe Dressing Your Truth is spot on when it comes to typing our non-verbal patterns of movement, I did not agree with the founder's opinions or advice regarding the thought processes behind each of the four-movement patterns. 

During that season in my homeschool career, my oldest son was going into his senior year of high school. He was just reaching the age of college and career readiness, and he was clueless about what he wanted to do next.   That was ultimately how I came to discover the Myers-Briggs profiling system, which is the foundation for Personality Hacker's profiling system, and the MBTI has an assessment that can really help guide people to their best-fit type of careers. 

Personality Hacker's profiling system was profound in my own journey of personal growth in self and other awareness.  For those of you readers that are familiar with the Myers-Briggs indicator, you may really like Antonia and Joel's approach. 

They are the founders of Personality Hacker and although this is a secular program, I can not deny my experience of learning a lot!  And in my humble opinion, Antonia and Joel are two of the most knowledgeable teachers when it comes to understanding the intricacies of the cognitive functions in the Myers-Briggs profiling system.  

On my own studying and exploration, I was blown away by how many other profiling models the Myers-Briggs framework crossed over with!  

To this day it constantly leaves me in awe with its fluidity, diversity, and flexibility. I've found that with each new crossover model, I am wanting to dive deeper and deeper into this brilliant framework of how the human brain perceives new information and makes decisions based on that data. 

This newfound awareness led me to go through deeper training which specialized in developing and understanding how the cognitive functions work in tandem with one another and how they create the sixteen distinct thinking patterns known in the Myers-Briggs system.  

In my coaching, I get to teach others about their specific genius styles. This awareness has been profound not only in my own life, but in other families’ lives too. 

Understanding Type culture in marriages and families gives people greater insight and the necessary skills to develop to become more integrated in their relationships with one another.

Now, dear Reader, "What do you think might be your best-fit genius style? Let me know in a comment below.


I pray you found what you were needing today. Please leave a comment below, I would love to hear how this post might have been helpful for you.

 Remember you are not alone! No matter what you’ve done or failed to do you are still loved unconditionally by a very merciful and just Lord and Savior!

May God Bless You,


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