What do you do for a living?


Well, after graduating from Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL, back in my early twenties, my first career of ten years was in the field of physical rehab where I worked as a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. I had the opportunity to work in hospitals and in both inpatient and outpatient rehab facilities. My area of expertise was in traumatic brain injuries, stroke victims, and various orthopedic surgeries. 

Joan Glancy Rehab Center 

While working with a variety of other therapists and doctors from different teams, I learned so much about the human body, how the brain works, family dynamics, self-care or lack of it, and many interpersonal skills and intrapersonal skills.  Those were challenging years filled with lots of growing-up experiences and firsts. The skills and knowledge I learned during those early years still continue to serve me to this day.

                                                          Photo credit: youngisthan.in

After a very fruitful twenty-five-year second career of educating all my children from kindergarten through 12th grade, at home, I'm facing the reality that in just a short three years I will be fully retired from this cherished season in my life. Honestly, how did the time fly by so quickly?  Throughout these years of educating so many different grades, ages, and learning styles, I also co-founded a homeschool support group with over 200 family members. There are so so so many fond memories of all the parent-teacher support group meetings, homeschool conferences, nature study walks, field trips, science and foreign language co-ops, book clubs, presentation nights, Shakespeare plays, etc., that we all participated in.  I had the privilege of teaching, mentoring, and working with many diverse families, new and veteran home educators, adulting individuals, teens, parent-teachers with unique giftings, and several small community faith-based groups.  


I must confess while unpacking and sharing snapshot summaries of my first two careers with you, I was able to see for the first time how God had been preparing me along for this third career. Honestly, I often find I have to pinch myself because what I am doing right now in my life is truly a dream come true!!!

I am incredibly grateful to God for trusting me with this career. It is such a tremendous gift and privilege to be able to teach the skills and coach married couples, not only on "how to be married", but on how to raise intact and engaged families of origin. Through the skills, resources, and sacraments of Jesus' Church, individuals are encouraged and equipped to heal hidden wounds, realign their lives from the inside out, and grow in self and other awareness. 

I currently work with organizations that are all driven towards one worldwide mission --- to redeem and strengthen marriages and families in Christ and the sacraments He established in His one, holy, universal, and apostolic Church. One of the biggest goals of this worldwide effort is to stop the growing cancer of divorce and family breakdown from spreading not only across America but the globe!! 
Best of all, I get to volunteer alongside my respected and deeply loved husband, of 33 years (at the time of this writing); as we bring these skill-oriented programs and our personal coaching to married couples and families not only within our own parish but in other communities and churches worldwide. 


I pray you found what you were needing today. Please leave a comment below, I would love to hear how this post might have been helpful for you.

 Remember you are not alone! No matter what you’ve done or failed to do you are still loved unconditionally by a very merciful and just Lord and Savior!

May God Bless You,


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