Are you a redemptive listener?

This is not a natural talent for me, so you could say I’m a work in progress when it comes to being skilled at being a redemptive listener. 

Redemptive listening is an important interpersonal skill that I've been developing over the past decade, as I have come to learn and grow through various typology systems, mindset coaching, and communication workshops. 

I can say confidently that having familiarized myself with many different typology systems there are some that are excellentand there are some I would definitely say are not so good.  But with each good typology system, my eyes, ears, and heart have been opened to whole new worlds!  Each good framework was very instrumental in helping me to foster altruism in so many areas of my life.  

I learned so many interpersonal and intrapersonal skills that are simply not taught in schools or most families today. 

As I became more aware and knowledgeable about myself and others, I grew personally as a daughter of God, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a sister, a friend, a teacher, a leader, and a coach.  After several years of studying and implementing different personality type frameworks, I ended up choosing to become specialized in one particular multi-faceted model that uses the Myers-Briggs framework at its core. This particular system heavily uses listening and observational skills. I also have been trained in Catholic mindset coaching which is what I use during my one-on-one sessions with clients. 


Personally, I would say the greatest gift I have received from each of these profiling tools was how they empowered me,  to know and accept who God created me to be in my own uniqueness but to see others through God's perspective and not my own judgmental biasesThey each gave me a better understanding of the diverse ways God has hard-wired each and every one of us. Ways in which we each perceive and filter out information. How every idea, action, and feeling stems from a thought. 

Understanding these similarities and differences can be instrumental in how we approach controversial topics, solve problems or resolve conflicts.  I'm more respectful of the unique ways others are essentially motivated to say and do what they do. I am now able to acknowledge and accept others' differences without placing unrealistic expectations on them. This includes my husband and children.

As you can see these multi-faceted tools provide not only the vocabulary to communicate but the means to adapt contextually in different circumstances and still be relatable with people who are completely opposite. A very important skill for redemptive listening.  Typology systems are like bridges that can be used to connect with others who have vastly different and unique God-given strengths, talents, interests, values, temperaments, spiritual gifts, interactive styles, and personality types.  When we run into repetitive patterns of feelings and actions or reactions it is helpful to know how to practice Catholic mindset recon to root out the thoughts that are keeping you stuck. 

Still, to this very day, I find myself using these tools on a daily basis! And any time I learn after a workshop or mentorship that these tools have helped someone else to grow individually, and become a better listener and communicator, and as a byproduct, they've been able to save their marriage or heal a broken relationship within a family, I'm immensely grateful to God!  

It has been such a privilege and blessing to pass on what I've learned to others, so they can experience God's healing love, and His deep mercy, and see His goodness in others. 


I pray you found what you were needing today. Please leave a comment below, I would love to hear how this post might have been helpful for you.

 Remember you are not alone! No matter what you’ve done or failed to do you are still loved unconditionally by a very merciful and just Lord and Savior!

May God Bless You,



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